BlenderBottle's On-Page SEO Efforts

Most times, when people think of the importance of SEO tactics, they may think these tactics only matter most to blogs, news sites or sites that are very copy/content heavy. E-commerce sites have to employ SEO tactics as well to ensure products appear during common searches. There are also SEO tactics that an e-commerce site can employ that are specific to e-commerce.

What is BlenderBottle?
BlenderBottle is a shaker cup. It allows users to create shakes without using a powered blender. Each bottle includes a whisk ball, that mixes all the ingredients together while shaking the bottle. BlenderBottles are sold in a variety of colors and sizes. There is even a private label option to customize the bottles with specific logos. The BlenderBottle can be purchased directly from BlenderBottle or through other resellers, such as Amazon, Walmart and Bed Bath & Beyond.

General Search Results
When doing a general search for “BlenderBottle,” the brand’s website is the first result. There are also product listings integrated with Google shopping, to show the individual products and prices. The remaining listings are the authorized resellers – Target, Amazon,, Walmart, and the Vitamin Shoppe (in that specific order). With doing a search for the specific brand name, it was anticipated that the brand’s website would be the very first result.

Most searchers would not know the specific brand name so they would be more inclined to enter a keyword related to the product they are interested in. During a search for “shaker cups,” the BlenderBottle search result was second on the first page. “Shaker Bottle” produced a number one search result as well.

Where the website falls in the search result listing is partially affected by on-page SEO. “Ranking refers to the process search engines use to determine where a particular piece of content should appear on a SERP. Search visibility refers to how prominently a piece of content is displayed in search engine results. Highly visible content (usually the content that ranks highest) may appear right at the top of organic search results or even in a featured snippet, while less-visible content may not appear until searchers click to page two and beyond” (Moz).

BottleBlender On-Page SEO
When you first land on the homepage of BottleBlender, there is very limited copy (or text). The homepage consists of a slider and visual call-to-actions related to various products. There are 0 H1 tags on the homepage. There is one H2 tag. Even though this page has limited copy, the use of alt-text for the images could aide in increasing the on-page SEO performance. Unfortunately, there is no way to inspect the page to see what the alt-text is for the images (without the use of any special programs).

Product Pages
There are a variety of BlenderBottles available. Depending on the product option, it could live on its own product page (such as the Collegiate BlenderBottles versus the Classic BlenderBottles). When assessing the URL structure for the product options, BlenderBottles follows a static URL structure. For example, the classic product line’s URL is /product/classic. The URLs do not include any keywords or anything more descriptive than the product category. The collegiate product line follows a more dynamic URL structure, mainly because there are so many different options available for the product line.

There is a showcase of social interactions on the Classic product page. It showcases the use of the #Classic hashtag used by Instagram users. The hashtag is not branded or related to any keywords.

Recommendations and Tools
Because BlenderBottle works with other resellers, they may not place a high level of effort to compete with the other sites that may have a high domain authority than they do. They do mention the other resellers on the brand’s website, but they do not link out to them. To understand where sales are happening, and which channel is generating the most sales, BlenderBottle can employ the use of tracking links. For example, it would be worth understanding how many people may visit the BlenderBottle site before purchasing the product elsewhere.

BlenderBottle should also remove the homepage slider. Sliders take up a large portion of valuable real estate, especially on the homepage of the website. A better use of the space would be through adding content to explain what the BlenderBottle is and how it is better than other shaker bottle options on the market. Heat tracking can also help to determine how website visitors are interacting with the site and if there is a specific product that should be highlighted more.

Moz. (n.d.). Search Engine Ranking and Visibility. Retrieved February 19, 2018, from


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