How to Make the Right Social Media Choice
There are many social media platforms to choose from, and for any startup company (or established company), it can be a daunting process to decide which platform is right for the business. “Most people and companies can't be amazing on every platform; that takes a huge amount of bandwidth and resources. Instead of having a sub-par representation in a lot of places, be awesome on a few of them.” (Source: Levy ). A company should not have an account on every existing social media platform unless those platforms will truly help the company meet the business’s objectives and goals. Companies should strategically decide which social media platforms will be the right fit, based on a few factors. Where Do the Customers Live? A company should establish a presence on the platforms that their customers use the most. This starts with through market research and gaining a true understanding of the target audience.” When you know your target audience’s age, occupation, income, interest...